Frequently Asked Questions

commonly known as FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Bible Quizzes/Puzzles

1.1 Can I use your quizzes in my own publications, e.g. church newsletter, sunday school lesson?
1.2 Do you have a quiz on....?
1.3 Can you e-mail me the quizzes and answers?
1.4 Which version of the Bible do you use to create your quizzes?
1.5 Can you let me know when you add new quizzes?
1.6 Can you create a custom quiz/puzzle for me to use at my church next week?
1.7 Why are the solutions not available to some of the puzzles?
2. Website
2.1 I have found an error in one of your quizzes/problem with the website, should I let you know?
2.2 Can I link to your site?
2.3 How do I exchange links with you?
2.4 How do I unsubscribe from your mailing list?
2.5 Why don't the interactive puzzles work?
2.6 I run a site with bible quizzes, can you add my site to your links page?
2.7 Who is this site aimed at?
2.8 Can you send me a free Bible?
2.9 Can I make a donation?


1. Bible Quizzes/Puzzles

1.1 Can I use your quizzes in my own publications, e.g. church newsletter, sunday school lesson?
All quizzes and puzzles on this site are copyrighted, but they may be used freely in printed publications as long as this website ( is credited alongside each item as the source, and that the quizzes or puzzles are distributed on a non-profit basis. Any other use, including online publication, requires written permission.

1.2 Do you have a quiz on....?
If you can't find a quiz or puzzle on a particular topic after having searched through all the lists, then unfortunately we don't have anything on that topic. We have a long list of topics planned, but any ideas for new topics are always welcomed.

1.3 Can you e-mail me the quizzes and answers?
Unfortunately we don't have the time to respond to individual requests for our quizzes/puzzles or answers to be e-mailed to you. All the answers to our quizzes are stored within the quiz database and we don't have a readily available copy of them. The bible quizzes, complete with answers, can be e-mailed to you once you have completed the online version of each quiz, and the other puzzles can saved using the printable versions.

1.4 Which version of the Bible do you use to create your quizzes?
We mainly use the King James Version and the English Standard Version to create our quizzes and puzzles, this gives us the diversity of the language used in the older version and the more familiar language of the newer version. Most quotes will come from the KJV, though we try to avoid instances where the version used will affect the answer for general questions.

1.5 Can you let me know when you add new quizzes?
Yes. Just fill in the form on the front page to join our mailing list. This is a low frequency list and generally you will receive one e-mail per month notifying you of any updates during the previous month.

1.6 Can you create a custom quiz/puzzle for me to use at my church next week?
Unfortunately we are unable to repsond to specific requests for quizzes or puzzles, particularly where you require items by a deadline. We welcome suggestions for topics and will try to accomodate as many requests as possible, but all our content is created in a format suitable for publication on the site and as our schedule allows - we can make no guarantees of creating a quiz/puzzle on any particular topic or any timeframe to do so.

1.7 Why are the solutions not available to some of the puzzles?
The solutions to the puzzles are uploaded approximately 1 to 2 months after publication, but the interactive puzzles will tell you when you have completed the puzzle correctly.


2. Website

2.1 I have found an error in one of your quizzes/problem with the website, should I let you know?
We make mistakes, just like everyone else, but please accept our apologies for our error. We would be delighted if you would let us know via the feedback form on the contact page what the problem is so we can correct it as quickly as possible.

2.2 Can I link to your site?
Of course you can! In fact we encourage you to. Please let us know via the feedback form on the contact page that you have linked to us and we may be able to find a space for you on our links page.

2.3 How do I exchange links with you?
If you would like to exchange links with us, please add the link from your site to our site first and then contact us to let us know where you have put the link using the contact form. We will place a reciprocal link on our page within 7 days. We will only exchange links if your site is suitable for family viewing and has a suitable link to us in place. No 3-way link exchanges will be accepted.

2.4 How do I unsubscribe from your mailing list?
Enter the e-mail address that you used to subscribe to the mailing list in the form on the front page and select the unsubscribe button. Press submit, and that's it.

2.5 Why don't the interactive puzzles work?
The puzzles use something called Java to run. You will need this installed to be able to use the interactive puzzles and can be downloaded from Once you have installed it and restarted your browser it should work unless you have set your browser to block Java applets, or it is possible that you have an older browser that doesn't support Java. There are always the printable puzzles you can complete instead.

2.6 I run a site with bible quizzes, can you add my site to your links page?
Send your website link to us via the feedback form and we will consider adding your site to our list of links.

2.7 Who is this site aimed at?
The site is designed to appeal to a wide range of abilities. Average scores are given for the quizzes to help you decide how difficult they are, the word search and fill-in puzzles are suitable for children and upwards. The other puzzles will perhaps require a higher level of education. The site aims to be non-denominational and all the quizzes and puzzles should be doctrine free which makes them suitable for all Christians who base their beliefs on the Bible. You can view our Statement of Faith.

2.8 Can you send me a free Bible?
No, sorry! If we were to offer free Bibles to all our visitors it would cost us tens of thousands of pounds every year. As this site relies largely on charitable donations, our finances do not allow for the sending of free Bibles.

2.9 Can I make a donation?
It's not necessary to make a donation, but some people have expressed a wish to do so and there is a Donation Page for this purpose.

Goliath Art - Bible Trivia Quizzes

Goliath ©

Bible Quiz Resource Hide it In Your Heart with Thankfulness

Featuring inspirational verses from the Bible, these coloring pages will help you relax, unwind, and enjoy some creative fun while hiding God’s Word in your heart! All the passages have a theme of thankfulness, so you'll be encouraged to cultivate gratitude and be reminded of all you have to thank God for as you color.


  • 152 Bible Quizzes
  • 3,006 Questions
  • 1,283,467 Quizzes Taken
  • 26,796,516 Questions Answered
  • 64% Average Score